Opera House Players
Director Pitch Submission
2025/2026 Season

Opera House Players is planning our 2025/2026 season and is seeking submissions for show pitches from directors. Whether you have directed for OHP in the past or are interested in doing so for the first time, we welcome you to submit a pitch to us no later than January 14th, using the form below.

Our typical season features 4 mainstage musical theater productions in November, February, May, and August, with our August show specifically designated for young adult performers (entering high school through age 22). We are looking to build a balanced season of musicals that appeal to our audiences, engage a diverse range of local actors, and balance each other across a range of theme, tone, and appeal: comedy, drama, familiar favorites, and newer works.

With those criteria in mind, each year, our Artistic Committee develops a list of potential show selections for the season, and asks our Membership to rank their favorite selections, ultimately arriving at a “Top 10” list. While we certainly welcome potential directors to pitch shows on this list, you are also encouraged to pitch other shows as well, if you believe that they would be a good fit with some of the others provided.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to:

We will inform all applicants of the status of their applications by February 1, 2025, and expect to announce our season to the public in the March timeframe.

We are excited to see your ideas!