“What once seemed like a faraway dream is now an attainable reality. With many hands, lots of hard work, and love for the arts and this community, it is going to happen—and our lives will all be better for it.”
“What once seemed like a faraway dream is now an attainable reality. With many hands, lots of hard work, and love for the arts and this community, it is going to happen—and our lives will all be better for it.”
The Opera House Players is thrilled to be back in our original hometown of Enfield, CT. Generously made available by the Town of Enfield, 100 High Street offers OHP a permanent home and a space to grow in as we enter our sixth decade of operation.
There’s still plenty of work to do before we can move in. The planning stage for a full renovation of the historic church into a state-of-the-art theater is complete. OHP has worked closely with the State Historic Preservation Office to ensure that the historic nature of the building is maintained. The Planning and Design is 100% complete, with detailed architectural, engineering, environmental, and theatrical lighting and sound plans.
Fundraising for our Capital Campaign is well underway, with 52% of our estimated expenses already raised. We invite you to learn more about our Renovation Project and to consider making a tax-deductible donation today.
Our home at 100 High Street is a historical church with beautiful stained-glass windows and a high, arched ceiling. Historical buildings give a town character and represent an era in the town’s aesthetic and cultural history. They help give people a sense of place and connection to the past. This building was initially built as a church in 1901, but through the years it has served as a senior center, social services office, and headquarters for another community theater. Preserving this historic building will also give new economic life to the community.
OHP welcomes an average of 5,000 theatergoers each season from across Connecticut and Massachusetts who patronize local restaurants and businesses. As part of its sustainability plan, the OHP theater will provide space for various community arts events, including talent shows, open mic nights, dance recitals, orchestra concerts, battle of the bands, and other theater groups.
The Opera House Players work with talented performers to bring musical productions to the stage. Dedicated actors, directors, musicians, and volunteers come back show after show. The OHP theater family grows with every production. Theater really does change lives.
“The feeling you get, that you are actually involved with something so extraordinary, so fun, is one of the best experiences that I’ve ever had in my life.”
— Joe Zimmerman, Volunteer
“Finding OHP was the biggest blessing ever. I’ve never felt such a deep connection with a company before.”
–OHP Actor
“This community has been everything to me and nothing I have ever been a part of before. I met some of my best friends ever. Thank you everyone for the best summer of my life! And letting me experience something so wonderful!”
–Youth Production Actor
“I heard more than one kid share that the time they spend with their OHP family is a time that they can forget about all of life’s issues and feel true joy.”
–Parent of a Youth Production Actor
Despite being impacted by the pandemic and all of its restrictions, OHP continued to bring safe entertainment to the region. While OHP had to cancel some productions due to COVID, we never stopped creating art. OHP provided several virtual and outdoor performances during this time, including our first ever full-scale virtual musical production, Something Rotten.
Once it was safe for theaters to re-open to the public, OHP has kept our audiences, cast, and crew safe with up-to-date vaccination and mask policies. OHP’s ability to persevere for 55 years is a testament to the commitment of our actors, Board, volunteers, and of course, our patrons.
OHP is the oldest theater group in the Enfield area performing exclusively musical theater. Dedicated volunteers are the backbone of OHP, managing all aspects of every performance, including set building, lighting, sound, costumes, props, box office, contracts, social media, and ushering.
“I enjoy volunteering because it allows me to stay connected to a great group of people and I’ve made many wonderful life-long friends through my participation with OHP.”
— Paige Stawasz, Volunteer
The Opera House Players commits to keeping the art of musical theater alive by continuing to produce top-quality shows.
The support and generosity of people like you, our valued patrons, friends, and neighbors, is what enables OHP to continue to bring live musical theater and the arts to North Central CT. You recognize that musical theater fosters social awareness through exposure to social issues, events, and cultures, and creates a sense of community.
The OHP capital campaign requires the vision and support of our patrons and local businesses. Please join our campaign with your generous support, and by sharing OHP productions with.
“In March 2022, the State of Connecticut invested $1.5 million in the renovation of OHP’s new property, speaking to the immense potential it sees in this project to aid in revitalizing Thompsonville, a historically distressed enclave in Enfield. I strongly believe that the Arts & Culture sector is a vital piece of a flourishing economy and that we, as public servants, should do all we can to help our artistic and cultural institutions to grow and prosper.”
“You have already enriched our community by involving people of all ages, and you have done it all despite the major challenges presented by the pandemic.”
“Creating a vibrant cultural hub where businesses offer jobs and a reason to visit downtown will result in a stronger neighborhood base. The refurbishing of the Opera House Players building will enhance the eventual construction of the Train Platform Building Project, supported by the local, state, and federal governments.”
During our planning and design phase we contracted with architects, engineers, environmental specialists, and lighting and sound designers. We also consulted with the State Historic Preservation Office as well as Town officials, Building Inspector and Fire Marshall to make sure that all of our plans meet the latest codes and requirements. The result is a wonderful and safe theater design that will meet all of our current and future needs, and enable OHP to continue to bring musical theater to the community for years to come.
The Opera House Players’ vision is to provide the community with high quality, affordable musical theater.
Our mission is to attract top local talent and reach the broadest audience with productions in a comfortable and inviting theater.
OHP provides an outlet for innovative, creative, and artistic expression. The organization engages communities in cultural enrichment and the long-term sustainability of the theater.
The Opera House Players, Inc. is a 501 c(3) nonprofit community musical theater organization in Enfield, CT.
OHP performs four shows yearly, including comedy, drama, and contemporary and classic performances.
Opera House Players was founded in 1968 as the St. Martha Players. In 2003, the theater group moved from Enfield to Broad Brook, CT, and changed its name to Opera House Players. In 2018, OHP relocated to 100 High Street and began plans to renovate the building to house a new theater. OHP has been temporarily performing at the Enfield Town Annex (the former Fermi High School Auditorium in Enfield.)
Vice President—NATE FERREIRA
Executive Producer—LINDSAY RYAN THOMAS
Publicity Manager—SARAH STEPHENS
Member at Large–NATE SINNOTT
Member at Large–ARIANA MAGGIO
David McCarthy, OHP Executive Director
Maya Nicole Matthews, OHP President
Nate Ferreira, OHP Vice President
Pam Bussell, OHP Member & Supporter
Joshua Prouser, Former OHP President